Album: Singularity
Release Date: August 14, 2007
Label: Capitol

Three Word Review: Guitars, Pretty, Electric
Favorite Track: “Waiting”
Why? The opening chords and synth lines are catchy and fun. As I listen the synth line routinely gives me a nostalgic feeling of a song that I think I might really like. I can’t think of what it is, but the line makes me like this song too. (I don’t know what song it is, but it might include some line like “... here... noise(s) in my ear.” Maybe? If you know what it is and feel like telling me I’d appreciate it!)
Least Favorite Track: “Crazy 8s”
Why? No particular reason really. Like most of the songs on this album, I’m largely indifferent to it. This is really a horrible reason to give if I want you to take me seriously, but I don’t like its name or the rhyme scheme of the lyrics. Unfortunately for the track, “Crazy 8s” is merely a representative figurehead for my overall ennui with this release.
My Thoughts:
This release isn’t really up my ally, although its got its good points. My main gripe is that Mae seems to be sacrificing their piano rock for synthesized rock. When I first turned on the album I briefly second guessed my mousing ability. I thought perhaps I had inadvertently started up a song by Motion City Soundtrack. They were never all about the piano, nor are they all about synth now, but it seems like they swapped the two with “Singularity.” Overall its a good album but it isn’t so much for me.
The guitars are out with a little more force this time, but there isn’t anything particularly hard on the release. “Rocket” is perhaps the hardest song, but it doesn’t exactly get your blood pumping. Basically what’s going on here is a whole lot of powerpop. Its well crafted and full of hooks, but not my taste anymore. For me, they’ve gone the way of Anberlin. I was a big fan of “Destination: Beautiful,” like I was a fan of “Blueprints for the Black Market.” My interest began waning with both “The Everglow” (although it kept my attention for a while) and “Never Take Friendship Personal.” Now, my interest has all but disappeared with the latest from both.
Why You Might Like It:
A fan of melodic rock and powerpop? This is your cup of tea! If by chance you think that anything that Mae touches turns to gold, this is also for you. Also, if you’ve got a thing for cue-ball-bald band members, Rob Sweitzer and Mae might be just what you’re looking for. I’m not sure if I make the connection with Anberlin because of the pattern alone, or also because of similarity. Nonetheless I get the feeling that if you like new music from Anberlin, you might like this as well.
Final Say:
I can’t recommend it according to my own tastes, but it is not a bad album by any means. They’ve grown as a band and made some different musical decisions and perhaps they’re ones that you’ll like. If you fall into any of the categories I mentioned you should check it out. Otherwise, I don’t think you’ll be to thrilled.
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